June 17, 2009

Wednesday , Quite a cool DAY ~

Hmmm .
As Usual ~
6:05 wake up .
*As Predicted*
Oh no ~
My eyes >.< reli like panda eyes .
12:30 only slp .
Coz WWE Special Episode .
C so syok wo . But it has its TERRIBLE Consequences .
(Panda Eyes when waking up)
I c da mirror . Like saw a 'ghost'
6:20 finished bath ~
Open 3Kingdom upgrade building . While Blowing hair .
Then Close comp n go school ~
6:30 reached claZ .
Felt so boring .
Feels like wanna walk around but cant find Ah zhen .
Wait bout 5 mins den i reli beh tahan liao .
So go find Kah Loong beside my claz .
We wanna find Randy but he not at claz also .
So we no peduli n just go .
THEN We saw Randy walking upstairs to his claz .
Randy saw us n said ' Wei , wait for me EH'
(Translated from Chinese to English)
So we waited bout 1 mins .
He so fast ~
So Just as usual .
Walk Block A upperstairs sin .
*Note* Every floor sure at least got 1 LENG LUI 'GUA' ~
Then walk Block A lowerstairs .
Fuyoh ~
Saw 1 NOT BAD de bah .
So juz walked Block B upperstairs .
Saw HER My eyes open BIG2 .
Dun wanna close my eyes to miss tat 0.0001 Sec .
To look at HER
Den juz walk back claz .
The weather so co0L ~
GOOD Weather for sleeping .
I keep tahan from period from 1 to 3 .
Period 3 - 4 = Chemistry .
Suddenly reli beh tahan liao .
So juz sleep . Sleep till dunno wat time wake up .
Talk wif fren but 5mins den the Bell RINGS .
Wao .
Cant believe i slp tat long .
Then went for recess n back claz
At the usual time .
Today no see HER though .
Sleepy again . So juz sleep .
Forgot bout HER .
Omg ~~
Hmmm .
Now the time here already 12:10 a.m. liao .
Tat's all for today .

The END ~~
Conclusion : Fun Day & Nice weather to sleep in claz ~~ ^^

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