June 24, 2009

Tuesday , June 23

Hmmm .
Just like same old days ~
Walk Block B & A .
Saw a few leng lui !!
Wao ~
After walk tat 2 blocks . Randy suggested we str8 go dewan .
Wanna go back claZ wait frens together go .
But they keep ask me 4low only .
So just 4low lo .
Almost walk wan reach dewan le .
Suddenly got announcement saying :
'Hari ini tiada perhimpunan , pelajar sila beratur di luar kelas masing2'
(or sumthing like tat la .. )
Soo lucky & unlucky .
Lucky : Coz no perhimpunan . No nid check tis & tat ~
Unlucky : Coz cant c HER . (Hav a clear view at UpstairS.)
No perhimpunan got its good n bad .
Haih ~
B4 recess tat 2 period is PJK .
Tot hav push up test .
Mana tau tat teacher say 'Pergi main bola'
Phiu ~~
So we all go dewan .
I saw 1 veri Leng d .
Nitez got WWE special episode lagi .
Donald Trump got hadir ni !
(dunno he own how many BILLION U.S $$)
12:30 a.m. Finished ~
4got to write blog .

The END ~~
Conclusion : Lucky & Tiring Day ~~

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