June 5, 2009

Once In A Lifetime Opportunity & 1st Day Blogging & Fun Day ~~

2day wake up at 10 ..
as usual .. open comp 1st ..
den go brush teeth n eat ..
tis morning no mood play game ..
dunno y ~
at about 2 pm i rmb-ed 2day got jolin's concert ..
den sms nic them ..
they said they ard at 1B ..
i wanna go at tat time but my (eldest) bro 5pm only back ..
so i hav a bath .. styling hair ...
after my (eldest) bro reach home , i told him to fetch me to 1B ..
he said so far .. tis tat tis tat .. *blah blah blah*
den my (eldest) bro called my dad .. luckily my dad gav the permission ..
so my (eldest) bro hav to fetch me there ..
the traffic is so 'lag' !! more than an hour just to reach there !!
just sitting at the car my b*tt also pain !!
6:30 finally reached there ~~
huhu .. 1B is SooooOOO crowded ~
i called nick n i cant hear wat he's saying .. toooooooooo noisy ~~
finally we met up at starbucks .. n den we decided to wait for the Star Of The Day near starbucks there ~~
about 7:30 there is a group of girls coming through the hallway .. we saw 1 of them is jolin !!
we wanted to take a pic of her .. when she was about 5m away from us .. we only knew tat she wasnt jolin !! she's just a dancer !!
ter-made us so happy tat time .. = =|||
we waited so long when suddenly she came out through the walkway ..
she walked passed me .. wao .. so close .. about 1m distance ..
good thing nic aka ss boy , managed to take a pic of Jolin ~
nice pic btw nick .. hehe ^^

*Nic Take de ..*
after tat , we just walked around .. walking around also so susah ..
like only 1 sempit2 de way let u walk .. coz too many ppl
many leng lui here .. so busy looking everywhere .. no regrets coming .. Hehe ^^
Too bad SHE nv come .. (Or I just didnt see her ?? @@')
So Nic , Kah Loong , Mike Liew , n me walked around 1B ..
walked around for 2-3 hours .. Non-stop ~~
legs soooo '酸' ~
then Nic hav to tumpang Kah loong's car to get home ..
cz no bus ..
10mins ltr .. suddenly wai yam said his car came jo ..
only left Mike n me .. thk goodness i earlier called my bro to fetch me ..
10 sumthing back home .. have dinner ..

The End ~~
Conclusion : Fun Day ~~

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