June 11, 2009

Thursday , Hot Day ~~

Hmmm .
Today 9:30 wake up .
Same like Usual .
b4 do anything just Open Comp 1st .
*Computer nerd ??*
Hehe ^^
Open FS , garena , MSN ~~
bout 11 sumthing my Clan lord(garena) pm me .
Huhu .
He seldom on9 de .
So lucky 2day . Can play wif him .
(Pro dota lai de .)
Played dota for da WhOlE afternoon ~
Win all rounds .
Quite happy 2day .
Still playing dota at night .
Holidays wifout tuition is quite relaxing .
Yet it's veri boring though .
@ @ "
To say the truth .
I feel so good after telling the feelings tat day .
(June 9)
Everyday keep pressing tat feelings .
Then finally let it all out .
Feels good .

The End ~~
Conclusion : Quite a Fun Day ~~

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