June 16, 2009

Tuesday , Back to Hoooot Day gaiN ~

Hmmm .
2day wake up at da same time .
bout 6:05 .
den go eat brkfst n brush teeth .
Had a bath n open comp .
Open 3 kingdom .
Upgrade buildings & check stuff ~
Den close comp n 6:30 in car going to school .
6.33 - 6.35 arrive school .
(Coz my home near school d)
After put bag at claZ suddenly Ah Zhen call us go walk around .
I also so boring at claZ so just 4low .
I ask Kah Loong sitting at the back wanna 4low or not .
den he also 4low .
Randy ( just beside our claz ) saw us going den he ask 'wei , you guys go where ?'
Then i say , 'Go walk walk around la .. U wan 4low ?'
He said ' Ya , sure '
(translated from chinese to english)
Almost Like Yesterday .
Walk at Block B 1st . (Upperstairs)
Cant c tat many LENG LUI .
Coz they not yet beratur .
The most interesting part is going thru Block B .
Can c her
At perhimpunan also c Her .
Hehehe ^^
that principal talking , no peduli him .
I mean , who cares rite ??
Talk bunch of nonsense .
So I dun bother him .
Just 100% of the time c her .
Wao ~
Hmmm .
Now at nite watching WWE ..
Walao . Special de oh tis episode .
Normally 10 - 11:30 de .
Mana tau 2day 10 - 12.30 .
Wah .
2molo wake up sure 'panda eyes' gaiN ~
Tats alL for 2day ~~

The End ~~
Conclusion : Fun Day !!

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