June 18, 2009

Thursday , Hot in the MORNING ~

2day wake up slightlY earlier ~
6:00 zhun2 .
*As Usual*
Open comp n 3kingdom .
Upgrade building n things ~
Den eat brkfst n brush teeth .
Had bath ltr .
Blow hair while playing comp for a while .
2day late liao a bit .
6:35 only left home .
Traffic outside the school 'lag' than usual .
Bout 6:40 reached school .
When reached claZ Randy already at my class waiting me .
Ah zhen also in claz .
Only left 1 guy . Kah Loong ~
So we go to upperstairs to find him .
His frens said he not yet reach school .
& there's no more time .
Then Randy said 'Mana tau later like yesterday same like me , at the stairs there meet .'
I said 'Ya ho . Haha ~'
(Translated from Chinese to Both Malay & English)
Then suddenly we reli met Kah Loong at the stairs there .
Wat a surprise ~
Reli so ngam 1 .
Bad news : Kah Loong asked us to go , he said he lazy wanna go .
So we juz walk only .
2day there's a little bit change of PLAN .
Normally we walk Block A 1st .
But 2day we walk Block B bcoz got the pengawas 'GUARDING' between Block A n Block B
Haihz . ~
Nvm ~
Saw HER ~ .
Happy ~~ xP
Went from the ground to the uppest-stairs .(To avoid pengawas)
Happy2 walk upstairs
Tiba-tiba Saw 茶teacher standing , looking at the backside of the Block A .
Dunno she got saw us or not .
Quickly walked across Block A .
(To avoid tat teacher)
Walked down the stairs (Near canteen tat 1)
Then walked back to Claz *masing-masing*
Hahaha .
2day no slp at claz .
Coz weather tooo hot .
1 time at the last 3rd period i sleeping so syok .
Suddenly my fren wake me up .
Coz he wan ask me smthg .

Unit Uniform there saw HER gain ~
Ekekeke ^^
After dat its the permainan .
Ngam2 dewan got practice dancing .

Me n my frens sit at the stairs (Entrance to the upperstairs of dewan)
C syok-syok , suddenly so many ppl .
Blocked our view ~
Haihzz ~
Have to 一直 move our heads .
To have better view .
Saw till 4:15 then many ppl already leave the dewan .
Time passed so fast .
We still at there watching .
Suddenly SHE walked in .
My heart-beat (心跳) so fast ~
SHE so 'xing mu' , saw us watching the dancing practice .
SHE told HER frens to move aside .
Not like others .
Just stand there n watch .
No peduli behind de .

Saw HER many times today .

Tat's All For Today ~

The END ~~
Conclusion : Fun & Lucky & Happy & SYOK Day ~~ ^^ xP xD

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